lundi 10 décembre 2012

From Munduk to Lovina - 2 Dec

An easy and beautiful road takes us from Munduk to Lovina with many temples and rice fields to admire on the way...
At Banjar, two tourist attractions not to be missed: the buddhist temple (that we manage to visit in scorching heat for a change) and natural hot springs where we take a quick dip in sufur smelling waters before the rain catches up with us.
On our way to the quaint Nirwana Sea Cottages (our accomodation for 2 nights) we spot a sign with Carrefour at Singaraja! A pre-taste of France (not quite in reality) that we can't resist. My former Aldata colleague will appreciate, I am sure.

2 commentaires:

Ben a dit…

Ahhh les sources d'eau chaude ca fait GRAVE envie!!!!!!!! Surtout sous la pluie! Profitez bien, car je suis pas sur qu'il y en ai a Issy ;-)
La bise a vous 4!

Jeannik-Pierre a dit…

ça commence par "causer" la France ....
de part les enseignes . Profitez bien de ces instants de rêves. bises à vous