samedi 8 décembre 2012

Munduk, lake district

Benoit, the master of the Balinese roads got us out of Ubud in less than 45 minutes, breaking his all time record and we were in Puri Alam Bali at Munduk for lunch ! In the afternoon of November the 30th, we visited lake Tamblingan and its flooded temple, were invited to tea by a local fisherman and enjoyed the scent of datura flowers on the way.
Next lake to the West and next temple at Bratan, at dusk, all by ourselves... dauntingly beautiful scenery.
On Saturday the first of Dec, just after breakfast taken at the "roof restaurant with a view" we set out for a small trek or long walk of 3.5 hours to discover the sourroundings of Munduk. Splendid vegetation; our guide showed us cocoa, duriam, cloves, avocado, mango, pineapple, banana; not to mention the flowers, colourful insects, etc. The target of the trek was a couple of magnificient waterfalls; of which one was "swimmable" an opportunity Kim and I could only seize. The afternoon was busy for Benoit who had a massage (Shiatsu) and a Balinese cooking lesson; the output of which we had for diner! Yum... What a day!

3 commentaires:

granny a dit…

que d'eau, que d'eau sous toutes ses formes. bravo aux téméraires!
d'ici ce sont des bisous rafraichis que je vous envoie. GRANNY

Jeannik-Pierre a dit…

pittoresque !!!!

Jeannik-Pierre a dit…
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